Sunday, July 6, 2014

VCEgags - The Quiet American - 'Phuong'

Hello to my fellow jellyfish,

It has been a while. 

Don't mind me. I'm just casually.. updating every 3 months 6 months. (n˘v˘•)¬

As you all know, I am currently in my last year of high school. 

YES, I am slugging through this hell called the 'VCE'. It's the Victorian state(a lovely state in Australia for those of you who are geographically challenged, don't worry, me too) equivalent of SATs (slash whatever final high school testing they do in your part of the globe). 

So, onto my main point.
As a part of my English course, I am studying 'The Quiet American' written by the erudite Graham Greene.
Being the typical ass I am, I like to laugh at people to myself every time I hear the name 'Phuong' pronounced. It's my favourite pastime. Nah, I kid, I kid. 

No, seriously. 
I'm sitting there in class and I just watch as the teacher struggles to pronounce her name, stuttering every time she has to mention it. 

"FU-ONG... fu-wong...fuUUU-ONG...ah let's just call her Vietnam seeing as she's a symbol of the country" says my teacher.

"Well.. fu-ong doesn't seem like she has a personality" - student #06
"ARGH. FU-WONG IS SO ANNOYING" - student #17

The list goes on.

I guess the proper pronunciation is along the lines of 'feeeeerng'. DRAG OUT THAT ER SOUND ~(˘▾˘~)

Here's a demo I found:

Hope you guys learnt something today. Remember the 'er' ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ