Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for. Tomorrow is the day everyone has been waiting for. Tomorrow is the day of the VCE English Exam.

Every student in Victoria doing the VCE will be sitting the English exam tomorrow.

No pressure.. AT ALL.

I'm surprised I've managed to maintain my composure until now.
My heart is beating so fast I can't even comprehend the speed.

If I screw up the exam tomorrow. I will have 'essentially' screwed up my future.

We're always told that it doesn't matter if you flunk the VCE because there's always a way to get to your dreams. Sure. It's true.

BUT, if I flunk the VCE, my reputation will be smashed to smithereens.

I am the eldest of three sisters. I have a scholarship at my school. My parents work day in day out to keep me at this school. All my relatives have gone to public schools and so far, all of them have aced the VCE. When I say ace, all have gotten 95+ ATARs. Though most of them have received 98+ ATARs. My first course preference requires that I get a 98 ATAR.

There's a lot at stake. Most people might not even bat an eye at this. They might think that it isn't all that big of a problem. But to me, I've grown up with relatives who prey on my parents. They feed off the failures and feel threatened by the successes of my parents. If I'm to stand a chance at teaching them all a lesson, that is, to not mess with my parents, then I'm going to have to ace tomorrow's exam.

English is the most important subject. English is the subject I've worked the hardest for. I can't let my stress hinder my performance tomorrow.

Good luck to me, yippee.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

VCEgags - The Quiet American - 'Phuong'

Hello to my fellow jellyfish,

It has been a while. 

Don't mind me. I'm just casually.. updating every 3 months 6 months. (n˘v˘•)¬

As you all know, I am currently in my last year of high school. 

YES, I am slugging through this hell called the 'VCE'. It's the Victorian state(a lovely state in Australia for those of you who are geographically challenged, don't worry, me too) equivalent of SATs (slash whatever final high school testing they do in your part of the globe). 

So, onto my main point.
As a part of my English course, I am studying 'The Quiet American' written by the erudite Graham Greene.
Being the typical ass I am, I like to laugh at people to myself every time I hear the name 'Phuong' pronounced. It's my favourite pastime. Nah, I kid, I kid. 

No, seriously. 
I'm sitting there in class and I just watch as the teacher struggles to pronounce her name, stuttering every time she has to mention it. 

"FU-ONG... fu-wong...fuUUU-ONG...ah let's just call her Vietnam seeing as she's a symbol of the country" says my teacher.

"Well.. fu-ong doesn't seem like she has a personality" - student #06
"ARGH. FU-WONG IS SO ANNOYING" - student #17

The list goes on.

I guess the proper pronunciation is along the lines of 'feeeeerng'. DRAG OUT THAT ER SOUND ~(˘▾˘~)

Here's a demo I found:

Hope you guys learnt something today. Remember the 'er' ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ